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QBasic Dungeon

QBasic Dungeon

Gioco di pubblico dominio, trovato sulla rete, lo pubblico per preservarlo dall'oblio! :) L'eseguibile è per Linux. Welcome to The Dungeon Adventure Game v12.0 r3.0. These files, documents, and programs are public domain. Anyone may use, rewrite, or distribute them without any fee, charge for use, or packaging requirements. Instructions: Playing is done by entry on the numeric keypad. Keys 0, 1, .., 9, and other symbols like -, +, and = are used for commands. Be sure you have turned on numlock before game play. The Dungeon also recognizes cursor keys for moving in the game without numlock.

Categoria: Giochi / Qbasic

Downloads: 4
Rating: (0 voti)
Data: 29/11/2024

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