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Visual Basic 6 - mac address
Forum - Visual Basic 6 - mac address

antometal (Member)

Messaggi: 691
Iscritto: 12/09/2007

Segnala al moderatore
Postato alle 12:07
Lunedì, 21/01/2008
come posso rilevare il mac address di una qualunque scheda di rete?

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albertking82 (Member)

Messaggi: 112
Iscritto: 14/08/2006

Segnala al moderatore
Postato alle 12:20
Lunedì, 21/01/2008
Codice :

rivate Const ERROR_SUCCESS = 0&
Private Const ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED = 50&

Private Type MIB_IFROW
    wszName(0 To 511) As Byte
    dwIndex As Long             '// index of the interface
    dwType As Long              '// type of interface
    dwMtu As Long               '// max transmission unit
    dwSpeed As Long             '// speed of the interface
    dwPhysAddrLen As Long       '// length of physical address
    bPhysAddr(0 To 7) As Byte   '// physical address of adapter
    dwAdminStatus As Long       '// administrative status
    dwOperStatus As Long        '// operational status
    dwLastChange As Long        '// last time operational status changed
    dwInOctets As Long          '// octets received
    dwInUcastPkts As Long       '// unicast packets received
    dwInNUcastPkts As Long      '// non-unicast packets received
    dwInDiscards As Long        '// received packets discarded
    dwInErrors As Long          '// erroneous packets received
    dwInUnknownProtos As Long   '// unknown protocol packets received
    dwOutOctets As Long         '// octets sent
    dwOutUcastPkts As Long      '// unicast packets sent
    dwOutNUcastPkts As Long     '// non-unicast packets sent
    dwOutDiscards As Long       '// outgoing packets discarded
    dwOutErrors As Long         '// erroneous packets sent
    dwOutQLen As Long           '// output queue length
    dwDescrLen As Long          '// length of bDescr member
    bDescr(0 To 255) As Byte    '// interface description
End Type

Private Declare Function GetIfTable Lib "iphlpapi" (ByRef pIfRowTable As Any, ByRef pdwSize As Long, ByVal bOrder As Long) As Long
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (ByRef pDest As Any, ByRef pSource As Any, ByVal Length As Long)

Private Sub MACAddress()
    Dim arrBuffer()     As Byte
    Dim lngSize         As Long
    Dim lngRetVal       As Long
    Dim lNetCards       As Long
    Dim i               As Integer
    Dim j               As Integer
    Dim IfRowTable      As MIB_IFROW
    Dim sAddr           As String
    Dim sName           As String
    lngSize = 0
    'Call the GetIfTable just to get the buffer size into the lngSize variable
    lngRetVal = GetIfTable(ByVal 0&, lngSize, 0)
    If lngRetVal = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Then
        'This API works only on Win 98/2000 and NT4 with SP4
        MsgBox "IP Helper is not supported by this system."
        Exit Sub
    End If
    'Prepare the buffer
    ReDim arrBuffer(0 To lngSize - 1) As Byte
    'And call the function one more time
    lngRetVal = GetIfTable(arrBuffer(0), lngSize, 0)
    If lngRetVal = ERROR_SUCCESS Then
        'The first 4 bytes contain the quantity of the network cards
        'Get that value into the lNetCards variable
        CopyMemory lNetCards, arrBuffer(0), 4
        For i = 1 To lNetCards
            'Copy the network data to the IfRowTable structure
            CopyMemory IfRowTable, arrBuffer(4 + (i - 1) * Len(IfRowTable)), Len(IfRowTable)
            'Retrieve name of the network card
            sName = Replace$(Left(StrConv(IfRowTable.bDescr, vbUnicode), IfRowTable.dwDescrLen), vbNullChar, vbNullString)
            'Rertieve MAK address
            If IfRowTable.dwPhysAddrLen > 0 Then
                For j = 0 To IfRowTable.dwPhysAddrLen - 1
                    sAddr = sAddr & CStr(IIf(IfRowTable.bPhysAddr(j) = 0, "00", Hex(IfRowTable.bPhysAddr(j)))) & "-"
                sAddr = Left(sAddr, Len(sAddr) - 1)
            End If
           ' MsgBox sName & " - " & sAddr
    End If
    Txtmac.Text = sAddr


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antometal (Member)

Messaggi: 691
Iscritto: 12/09/2007

Segnala al moderatore
Postato alle 17:03
Lunedì, 21/01/2008
grazie 1000 funge

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