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Visual Basic 6 - Avviare e chiudere due programmi insieme
Forum - Visual Basic 6 - Avviare e chiudere due programmi insieme

Alternative (Normal User)

Messaggi: 1
Iscritto: 07/12/2011

Segnala al moderatore
Postato alle 23:15
Mercoledė, 07/12/2011
ciao a tutti,comincio dicendo che div vbscript so quasi niente, sto comunque cercato di creare uno script, (si dice cosi?) che faccia partire un programma e quando parte questo ne fa partire un altro, quando chiudo il primo chiude anche il secondo....

provo a spiegarmi meglio
ho un client mail e il programma freepops, vorrei che lo script faccia in modo che faccia partire il client e anche freepops, e che quando chiudo il client si chiuda anche freepops...

fin ora sono riuscito solo a far partire freepops

set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") "freepopsd",3,false "C:\Program Files (x86)\The Bat!\thebat.exe",3,true

ma per thebat! (il client di posta) mi dice impossibile trovare il file specifico, se invece di Program Files (x86) metto Programmi (x86) mi dice accesso negato...

dimenticavo, ho windows 7 64bit...

mi date una mano?

Ho trovato questo:

    Option Explicit

    Function WriteFile(oFS,mailClientPath,mailProcessName)
      Dim oFSFile
      Set oFSFile = oFS.OpenTextFile(FileName,2,True)
      oFSFile.Write(100 & VbCrLf & MailClientPath &  VbCrLf & MailProcessName)
    End Function

    Function ReadFile(oFS,ByRef delay, ByRef mailClientPath,ByRef mailProcessName,ByRef mailClientCla)
      Dim oFile, oStream
      Set oFile = oFS.GetFile(fileName)
      Set oStream = oFile.OpenAsTextStream(1,-2)
      delay = CInt(oStream.ReadLine)
      mailClientPath = oStream.ReadLine
      mailProcessName = oStream.ReadLine
      If Not oStream.AtEndOfStream Then
        mailClientCla = oStream.ReadLine
        mailClientCla = VbCrLf
      End If
    End Function

    Function GetDefaultMailClientPath(sh)
      Dim key,temp,splitted
      key = "HKCR\mailto\shell\open\command\"
      temp = sh.RegRead (key)
      splitted = Split(temp,"""")
      'Debug Istr
      'wScript.echo "MailClientPath = " & Sh.RegRead (key)
      If UBound(splitted) > 0 Then
        GetDefaultMailClientPath = splitted(1)
        splitted = Split(temp," ")
        GetDefaultMailClientPath = splitted(0)
        'wScript.echo "MailClientPath = " & splitted(0)
      End If
    End Function

    Function GetProcessName(mailClientPath)
      Dim arr
      arr = Split(mailClientPath, "\")
      GetProcessName = arr(UBound(arr))
    End Function

    Function GetIstances (nome,objWMIService)
      Dim colProcess
      Set colProcess = objWMIService.ExecQuery( "Select * from Win32_Process Where Name='" & nome & "'")
      Set GetIstances = colProcess
    End Function

    Function IsActive (nome,objWMIService)
      Dim objProcess
      For Each objProcess in GetIstances (nome,objWMIService)
         IsActive = True
         Exit Function
      IsActive = False
    End Function

    Function TerminateSingleIstance (nome,objWMIService)
      Dim colProcess,objProcess
      Set colProcess = GetIstances(nome, objWMIService)
      For Each objProcess in colProcess
         Exit Function
    End Function

    '==Modification for a function which deletes the log files
    Function DeleteLogs (oFS)
      If oFS.FileExists("log.txt") = True Then
      End If
      If oFS.FileExists("stderr.txt") = True Then
      End If
      If oFS.FileExists("stdout.txt") = True Then
      End If
    End Function
    '==End of modification

    '==Modification for a function which retrieves FreePOP's path

    Function GetFreePOPsPath(sh)
      Dim key,temp
      key = "HKLM\Software\NSIS_FreePOPs\Install_Dir"
      temp = sh.RegRead (key)
      GetFreePOPsPath = temp & "\"
    End Function

    '==End of modification

    Const fileName = "fpm.ini"
    Dim sh, objWMIService,active,delay,mailClientPath,mailProcessName,mailClientCla,cla,arg,i,oFs,FPUpdate
    Set sh=wScript.CreateObject("wScript.Shell")
    Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:")
    Set cla = wScript.Arguments
    Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    If oFS.FileExists(fileName) = True Then
      ReadFile oFS,delay,mailClientPath,mailProcessName,mailClientCla
      mailClientPath = GetDefaultMailClientPath(sh)
      mailProcessName = GetProcessName(mailClientPath)
      delay = 100
      mailClientCla = VbCrLf
      WriteFile oFS,mailClientPath,mailProcessName
    End If

    If IsActive(mailProcessName,objWMIService) = True Then
    End If
    active = IsActive("freepopsd.exe",objWMIService)
    If active = False Then
      arg = ""

      '==Modification to delete the log files prior to running FreePOPs
      For i=0 To cla.Count-1
         If Lcase(cla(i)) = "-clearlogs" Then
           DeleteLogs oFS
           If Lcase(cla(i)) = "-update" Then
             FPUpdate = True
             arg = arg & " " & cla(i)
           End If
         End If
      '==End of modification

      '==Modification to run updater prior to running FreePOPs
      If FPUpdate = True Then
        sh.Run """" & GetFreePOPsPath(sh) & "freepopsd.exe" & """ -e lua\updater.lua php interactive" & """",1,true
      End If
      '==End of modification

      sh.Run("freepopsd.exe" & arg)
      wScript.Sleep delay
    End If
    If mailClientCla = VbCrLf Then
      sh.Run """" & mailClientPath & """",1,true
      sh.Run """" & mailClientPath & """ " & mailClientCla,1,true
    End If
    If active = False Then
      TerminateSingleIstance "freepopsd.exe",objWMIService
    End If

ho provato a stostituire mailClientPath con il percorso del file, compreso il nome, e mailProcessName con il nome del processo, ma non va, mi da errore: previsto ')', che prende in giro?

se non cambio niente invece mi dice radice non valida nel registro di sistema "HKCR\mailto\shell\open\command\"

ho risolto, ho cambiato la riga
  key = "HKCR\mailto\shell\open\command\"

cercando nel registro di sistema la chiave per thebat! era
HKCR\The Bat! mailto\shell\open\command\

ora funziona...:k:

Ultima modifica effettuata da Alternative il 08/12/2011 alle 9:18